The rapid-flowing water sites in the
Tampere Region vary from the narrow and small-scale rapids of the
headwaters, with an average flow rate of just a few cubic metres or less,
to the foaming white waters of the narrower stretches of major water
routes, such as the Tammerkoski Rapids and the Kuokkalankoski and
Herralankoski Rapids, with flow rates of dozens of cubic metres of water.
Currents are weaker in the Kihniö Trout Rapids and in the Putajankoski
Rapids in Suodenniemi, but the way that the brown trout snaps at a fly
is just as fierce and startling as ever. |
You will find a wide range of rapids sites
in different parts of the region – many of these have been restored. The
most popular sites are the Kotalan Kosket, Vilppulankoski, Siuronkoski
and Tammerkoski Rapids. You can find the fastest flowing rapids in the
southern part of the region, at the confluence of major lakes. Rapids
sites usually have a catch quota, ranging from 1 to 3 salmonoids. Some
sites also have a quota for anglers.
Licence prices vary between € 5 and € 30 per 24 hours. The best way to find up-to-date information is to ask
licence-vendors. |